We cut out from cartboard two 30x90 mm and one 25x50
piece. We draw a line thats 10 mm's from the border on all
3 pieces. Cut it in with a knife so that you can bend them to
triangles. Glue the borders togather. Now we have two 10-
10-10 mm and one 10-10-5 mm side pillar. We glue the 3
piece togather. The 50 mm long piece should be on the top
and in line with the longer one's top.
If the glue is dry then we epoxi the frame to the lid,
approxiametly as shown on the picture.
17 step:The flywhell
Glue two d=16 mm disc to the center of the f.w.
They will hold the shaft. Drill another hole 5 mm-s from the
center, If the glue is dry poke the shaft trough the center
and glue the displacer shaft int he hole.
18 step: The crankshaft
I made my crankshaft out of a paperclip, it’ s easier to bend
then the hard wire. The stage is 2 mm(2-3 mm-s are the most)
The two side's are 30-30 mm's. Now we put a pearl on the
shaft directly near the elbow and glue it to it with quick dry
19 step: The bearing
We cut off an appr. 10 mm long piece from the pen and we
make two disc's from the tin cans lid, it has to be just as big as
the pen. We drill a hole in each disc big enough for the shaft to
spin in it but not to big or the shaft will wobble. Now glue the
disc's to the pen.
20 step:
We slide the bearing ont he shaft along with another pearl.
We slide the flywheel on, close enough to spin but it should
not wobble. We rotate the shaft until the displacer and the
membrane locks 90 degrees to each other.
Now we glue the displacer’s shaft in
his place on the opposite side of the
flywheel.(the side where is no
bearing) If it stands good we glue it
with a lot of epoxi, when it’s hard
dry we will cut off the needless